Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Caregiver Stress: Tips for Stress Relief!

Being a caregiver for seniors is a fulfilling occupation, but it can also be incredibly stressful as not many other jobs can be. Without proper care and stress relief tactics, this line of work can quickly take its toll on a person physically and emotionally.
There are many different stress relief techniques that senior homecare caregivers can take part in that will dramatically improve their emotional wellbeing by helping to reduce the stress of their jobs.

The job of a caregiver is a big job and goes beyond providing health care and basic daily needs management for seniors. Caregivers really care about their clients and get emotionally involved with them. Given the nature of the work, it can be very difficult when dealing with an ailing senior whom is beyond one’s help or losing a client that one had been working with for a while. It is an unpleasant reality of this kind of work, but it is a vital and worthwhile line of work with so many rewards that these negative aspects do not take away from what people get out of this career.
Home Care Services For Seniors
Caregivers provide a wide range of services for seniors and put in very long hours that can take an emotional and/or physical toll without proper rest and time spent doing enjoyable and leisurely activities. Some caregivers only work part-time, but others are live-in, and with their clients twenty four hours a day, making finding ways to cope all more important.
  • Learn acceptance: Caregivers do their best to provide the highest quality care to their clients. However, the seniors in their care are often sick and infirm and caregivers lose clients from time to time due to aging or illness. This takes a huge mental toll on a caregiver. One has to learn to accept that this is part of the job and try to learn how to not take it personally or blame themselves for the      inevitable loss.
  • Engage in stress relieving exercises: Whether it is walking, positive visualization, deep breathing exercises, yoga or something completely different, finding some sort of physical activity that can get your mind off the job and burn off some of that excess stress and energy, will make dealing with the job a lot easier. Exercise is good for the mind and body and it is a great way to let off emotional steam.
  • Join a support group: There are many different support groups and organizations that bring together caregivers and allow them to share their stories and their feelings. It can really help to just let out your feelings and talk to others who understand the stress of your job and what you deal with on a daily basis. These are also great places to learn new stress relieving techniques that have worked well for others in your position. If there isn’t a local support group in your area, consider starting one up. It doesn’t have to be something big and      elaborate, just a few caregivers meeting once a month in one’s home.
  • Make time for a life outside work: This is a job that is very easy to get “married” to. Even during off hours, many caregivers are worrying about their clients or spending way too much overtime watching after their clients. While it is important to provide high quality care and be available when you are needed, you must have a life outside of work. Do not abandon friends and family for your job or you will burn out over time and be without that vital support network that      makes life and dealing with stress so much easier. Make sure to make time for yourself and to do things that you enjoy. Don’t give up hobbies, nurture them in the time you have. Also be sure to socialize and get out and enjoy time with friends and family. These fun times will help make dealing with the stress of the job much easier.

Preferred Private Care provides the highest quality in-home care for seniors. We offer a wide range of services and our staff is comprised of the highest trained caregivers who work with compassion and care. If you have a senior in your life that is in need of in-home care, contact us today to schedule a free in-home assessment. Our staff will come to your home and meet with you and your family to help determine the best ways we can help to care for an aging member of your family.

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